As clean water remains inaccessible in many rural parts of Africa, this has led to a dangerous spike in waterborne diseases in recent years. According to OCHA “About 188,000 cholera cases, including 3,000 related deaths, have been reported in eight countries in Southern Africa since January 2023. This includes six countries currently with active cholera transmissions, namely, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe”.

Containerized water treatment plant photo

DOVE has developed a containerized water treatment plant in five models with production capacity’s of 500 to 10,000 liters per hour, producing the highest quality of drinking water.
Manufactured exclusively by DOVE Biotech, the plant is configured with DOVE Biotech proprietary organic base disinfectant and Nano and Bio base technologies for elimination of bacteria, viruses and heavy metals. There is no use of Chlorine or any other Toxic Chemicals in the water treatment process, and it is configured to remove Cyanide, Mercury, other toxic contaminates, salt, Magnesium, bacteria and viruses.
The plant is specifically designed for mining and construction projects, or small communities, to produce the highest quality of drinking water, sourcing from river and under ground water.

Contact DOVE for more information.